Well, not that secret because it was advertised at the counter, but it's not going to be on display every day and if you miss it you'll be sorry if you're a smoothie fan. The Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie! I was contacted by a rep for the cafe to try it out and got a couple gift cards in the mail. After finally getting to corner a lunch we headed to Tropical Smoothie Café to give the secret menu item a shot.
Someone let the cat out of the bag
Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie
Before they mailed me I had no idea Tropical Smoothie Café had lemonade. I know when Shelby and I notice a frozen lemonade on a menu somewhere we gotta try it. The idea of a strawberry lemonade smoothie was great. We used to drink a lot of smoothies because our daughter worked there for a summer in high school. She was able to make her own at home and would offer us one if she was putting something together. We would grab them here and there while we were out too because it seemed like a healthier, tastier alternative to burgers and fries (and I'm not knocking the fast food classic!)
Ah, Paradise Point, how I loved you so...
Back to the Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie. I was told the strawberry lemonade was the first ever offering on the Tropical Smoothie Café secret menu. If you don't know about secret menus, some restaurants have an off-the-record menu those in the know can order off of. Panera Bread had a Power Chicken Humus Salad that used to be a secret menu item that became so popular in some areas you'll see it on the regular seasonal menu now. So if you know what to order you can ask the person behind the counter for the secret item and walk away with a nifty off menu item to enjoy all for yourself.
Shelby and Alisa figuring out lunch at Tropical Smoothie Cafe
We invited our friend Alisa to join us because we figured we'd grab some food while were there. It's been a while so I figured there would be new stuff on the menu. I would normally get wraps but they had tacos listed, Alisa and I figured we'd both order tacos to try them all. Shelby ordered the Tzatziki Beef Wrap. We sat down and waited for the smoothies and food to be made.
Oh yeah...coincidentally one of Shelby's coworkers happened to stopped by, not that she had any idea we where going to be at Tropical Smoothie at lunch or anything. Please read the sarcasm in that comment, Crystal was creeping us big time.
When the order was up I grabbed it and we divvied up the goods. I tried the strawberry lemonade smoothie first. It was delicious. Something about those two mixed up in a velvety, icy drink that makes it super good. With the weather being warmer it was very refreshing. By the time you read this it won't be as hot outside but you can still grab one of these! They'll be on sale for approximately another three months. So if you go in and don't see it on the menu, no worries! It's on the secret menu and just ask for it by name. As for the food, it was pretty good too. I will definitely get a tzatziki wrap for myself next time!
Oh Hi Crystal (middle smoothie drinker), what's for lunch?