Shelby bought me a the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes book years ago and it's something I've used on a regular basis now to bake bread, pizza dough, baguettes - you name it. Recently though I been feeling an itch to try something new so I decided I'd find a few recipes online to try. I found two, one for a baguette and one for a croissant.
This guy probably is mad at me.
I felt bad, I getting my KitchenAid mixer cleaned up and realized I have neglected it. I got it for Christmas a few years back and it has not been utilized that way it should. I need to change that! Other than bread we have sausages we want to make too, especially a Thai sausage one in the Pok Pok book Marleigh gave me for Christmas this past year.
The baguette recipe was going to take two days to complete and the croissant was written out to about three. I started with the baguette dough, measuring out everything, mixing it by hand, adding a little bit of water as i went. Followed the instructions, overnight rest, everything! They turned out terrible! I'll take full responsibility for anything that went wrong with my baguettes, I'll try again and next time I have some ideas. I continued working on my croissants.
I used Weekend Bakery's classic French croissant recipe and it seemed to work out well other than taking three days to work. I know there is a right way to do this, but there has to be something a little bit faster! The croissants came out good but a little dense. Again, I think this has more to do with my technique but I'm going to look at several other recipes and figure out one that will best for me. This one was worked over three days!
I had fun, tried something different and ended up with some tasty croissants. I'll log more of my baking adventures when they happen.