I get asked a lot about vegetarian and vegan options in the area. I usually have to tell them I’m not really sure because “I eat everything!” It’s true too, but the question nags at me and so I’ve talked to people here and there and found a few places I could suggest. Then one day it hit me - my buddy Katie would know!
Katie Abbott, MS, RDN, INHC (yeah, I know that’s some alphabet soup behind her name but she earned it!) is a registered dietitian and counselor who is super passionate about food and treating your body well. I should probably take notes…
Anyway, I approached her about giving me a list of places that good vegetarian/vegan options. She said could put together a list of restaurants that I could share on my page. Click the image below to go to her page and and sing up for her mailing list to get a copy. It’s 6 pages of spots to make it easier for you to find exactly the dish you’re looking for!
Image courtesy of katieabbottrd.com